
Product Launch Email for AI Email Generation Platform Email0

generate an product launch email for email0 an AI email generation platform created by two developers Harish and Sasi. with their image being https://github.com/harish-sethuraman.png and https://github.com/sasicodes.png. Dont include navigation and use https://email0.dev/logo.png for logo image and align it to left dont add border radius. Add the phrase lets build email together. make the founder images rounder. the email0 logo should be 50 50. Make the heading medium.


Here is the product launch email template for email0.

change text to We're excited to announce the launch of email0, an AI email generation platform


The text has been updated successfully.

add a footer that links to our twitter https://x.com/tryemail0 and add a link that says "dm for trying out exciting features"


The footer has been added successfully.

add them in same row instead of columns


The founders' images and links have been placed in the same row.

make DM for trying out exciting features to something shorter


The text has been shortened successfully.